Long time, no write! :)
I had a rough year in 2009, beginning of 2010, but continued to write because it pours out of me. I interviewed a gentleman who had a story to tell in Oct. He wanted me to ghostwrite, but I declined and with his permission, wrote a novel in memory of his mother. I finished on New Years Eve at a quarter to Twelve. It was fun and I love the story. It is with a sweet sister in my life as I write this.
I also lost some friends/relatives due to death and a couple of close calls as we ministered to others who were/are very ill.
I felt led to use the word TRUST for 2010. There were so many dishonest people in my life the past couple of years, that I needed to press in and get on track with the Lord about them. What he showed me was that "not confronting others sometimes when you are hurt is dishonest too." Whew that was rather shocking to know. Many times, I have "shrunk" back when I get taken advantage of or there are false beliefs running around. I hate arguing, it wastes time.
As I continue my walk, I actually did do just that a couple of times, it cleared the air and I can continue the relationships, only on a different level. A more mature level on both sides of the situation.
I'll tell you that it did clear my head of gnats that were constantly picking at me.
The scriptures are pretty clear about that when there are Christians involved, but when they aren't it becomes more difficult. I think I stumbled the hardest over those who claimed to be Christians and then acted exactly the opposite of the Word.
I believe the Word is my handbook for all areas of my life.
Doors opened up for my writing as I obeyed the Lord. This year, my word involves TRUST only in him. I must let others go that are not upbeat and encouraging me in my writing life. The others only tend to drag me down and their opinions throw me into confusion. It's like muddy water or gumbo that one gets stuck in. I only want refreshing spring waters cleansing me and when I drink, I want,desire the purity of the Lord of my life, he is the one who made me and knows what I need to grown and mature as a writer.
One thing I had to give up before I even got started was the marketing position of a company that I wrote about earlier. It wasn't easy. I loved what I was helping with, but it was a test, (I really believe) if I could give it up to the Lord. That's when other things began to break open for me as a writer.
I do pray that all of you who read this from time to time are moving forward and continuing to write, despite the hardware, hammers, nails, chisels, axes,that come bouncing down the road in front of you to cause you to stumble and give up.
Remember, it is always the darkest before the light comes. Keep writing my friends.
You know you can email me anytime that you like if you have questions or need help or prayer.
Your work is God inspired, don't let the enemy tell you different. If you are writing for Christ for His Glory, you may never know who will see it down the road, but God does and it will come out.
Now....breathe and receive a spritual hug.
In His Precious Love,