Stations of the Cross in Groom,Texas

Stations of the Cross in Groom,Texas
Reason I Live

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Created in His Image

Epehsians 2:10 It is God himself who has made us what we are and given us new lives from Christ Jesus; and long ages ago he planned that should spend these lives in helping others.

I just returned from the vet with Maggie. I have to take her in to see the vet every morning for dressing changes and meds. She is a little long haired snoopy dog and belongs to our daughter and grandchildren. Maggie has been with Jim and me almost six weeks because we are the re-hab hospital. It is quiet and we can care for her somewhat better. Also, we only have two steps in and out of the house, whereas the kids have steep staircases in the front and back of their house. Today I got a good report. Mags can go home in about a week and a half.

Maggie was badly torn all over her body by three coyotes the end of Jan. Every one loves Maggie and no one can believe she survived. Her vet said that she did because she loves with a huge heart and she is FLUFFY! That is a kind way of saying she is a little overweight. The coyotes also missed her jugular vein on the first bite.

I can't help but think as I write this post of what an example of servant hood this precious dog is. She took the place of our small built grandson who is three. The coyotes were hiding under the porch and Maggie didn't know what hit her. That could have so easily been Jake. They weigh about the same.

Maggie is sad here although she loves Jim and me, she wants to go home and be with her people. Especially Jake, who is sometimes too rough on her 12 year old body, Maggie just wags her tail and kisses him.

Why did I choose to write about Maggie today you might wonder? Well, it seems that she is a fine example of love from Jesus to each other. Maggie accepts each of us in her family exactly where we are at. She often places herself between her people and danger. I could give you a million examples during her 12 years on earth.

I learned that being a writer is being an artist in God's Kingdom. My heart prays for you fellow writers and your calling as artists. Be encouraged this day to ask God where and how you can serve one another to move forward in your calling. As God created us in his image, let us work to create good positive uplifting thoughts on paper to pass to the next generation. It is an exciting time we live in and there is much to write about.

My tears for Maggie's pain have turned to tears of joy as her vet tells me she is going to make it. It has been hard not knowing for such a long time and we are all relieved.

Father, I ask for all of us writers that we would become obedient to your direction. I ask that we would help one another to grow and become all that you have planned for us in our calling.

Thank you Father in the Name of Jesus Christ.