Stations of the Cross in Groom,Texas

Stations of the Cross in Groom,Texas
Reason I Live

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Shoe Size

I've decided after much research that one size doesn't fit all. That applies to writers as well.

I'm preparing a talk for a writing group. The concept of finding one's writing voice is exciting to me as an artist and so I sent out several requests on writing threads as to what my fellow writers think what an artists voice is.

I discovered with much amusement that one shoe doesn't fit everyone. I had answers and opinions from A-Z. That being said, I'm refining and re-directing many good thoughts that have come my way. I will include some Aha moments of some as well.

God is so good as he tunes our writing voices to reach the world, don't you think?

As I pray for all of you, won't you pray for me that I allow the Lord to get his message across and say what it is that he wants his writers to hear?

I will post more on this in the coming days.

Love you.