Stations of the Cross in Groom,Texas

Stations of the Cross in Groom,Texas
Reason I Live

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Right after I had surgery, I found myself a brown recluse spider who loved me. As a result I've been down again. Slower recovery than I expected! No...I did not do this for attention!!! I was super full of energy and decided to do some weeding in my flower bed.

I want to take a moment today to let you know that God hasn't forgotten you and He will always be faithful to what you need as a called writer for Him.

One word He has taught me lately and that's humble. He began to remind me of all the people in my life that He has provided me to grow and stretch. Mostly people who listen to his call to love, hug, call, encourage, and love unconditionally.

Grace Bridges, Splashdown Publishing. Have you ever been to the top of a huge slide hovering over a swimming pool? Once you put your foot into that fast falling water, well, there is no return is there? That's this company, Grace has added another genre to her company. She is ever moving forward and her determination is such a good example of never giving up.

Linda Harris, editor extraordinaire. She always says, "You can do this, now do it!"

Tiffany Colter still growing and expanding her company, check her out, she's always willing to help and answer your questions.

Gretchen Ricker has a heart to help writers take the next step forward and is starting a new company, look to this for further information in the future. It will have a unique twist to it and I can't wait.

Congrats to Denise Holmes who is the new director of WFTJ. Words for the Journey. We will miss you Michelle. You've been a great inspirational leader. :) Thank you from many of us.

Tiffany Stuart, growing by leaps and bounds and ready to take on the speaker's world, you won't be sorry once you've listened to her. She has wisdom beyond her age. Encouragement to keep on keeping is her middle name. :)

Chris Richards, constantly seeking the Lord's face, ready and willing to support who ever needs it.

A new publishing company...DWB which stands for Dancing With Bear. Marie McGhea is the owner and refreshingly different.

Bobbie Shafer who is the ultimate encourager and I appreciate her care.

Jan Parrish, well what can I say about Jan. She's just always there for me.

Signing off for now with a lot of love and gratefulness in my heart for all of you.